Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Politics, Theory & Photography

Politics and pictures? I like both, but as a combination? And how come I cant come up with anything interesting to blog about besides new sites i find mostly off of Metafilter? Oh, i know why, because i should be writing my paper for my demography class. Silly me.


An interesting premise: create your own search engine. me likey. - DeLay indicted, steps down as majority leader - Sep 28, 2005

AWWWWWWWWWw! Poor Mr. DeeLay! Now if only mr. Frist could back out of his shadiness, too bad, too bad. They are too good for this. Im sorry Mr. tom and Mr. Bill, truly!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Writely - The Web Word Processor

Hmmm....I'm going to give it a whirl.

Funny how when Texas is going to be affected, Bushie and all of them are prepared and ready. The levees in New Orleans have already breached and half of Galveston is already under water. Rita was still 200 miles out! What the fuck.

Friday, September 16, 2005 - Unexpected fallout from the storm - Sep 16, 2005: "ia (AP) "

This would be a really really great time to suck it up and offer universal health care. Look at the 'fallout' as reported on cnn: people who were to poor or didnt have health insurance are now given the opportunity to have their ailments looked at because they are victims of a mass catastrophy. I would argue that the worse tregedy was that these people were living without any real form of health safety-net. So since the slate has literally been wiped clean by katrina in the south, why not institute a universal system for them because one visit isnt going to cure everything. This could be a trial for full universal healthcare, and i think it would work.

John G. Roberts, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blogs have once again been validated, although I dot not fully agree with question, just now on c-spans' coverage of the nomination of John Roberts, Sen. Cornyn, a republican, just quote a blog. Then he asked a question of Judge Roberts from that quote. Either way you slice it politically or ideologically, blogs are here and they strong.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Some words to ponder in these dark times.
I have a family friend who lives in Covington LA, he used to live with my uncle. Two years ago my uncle, who grew up in the NE, had lived in Florida for 15 years, decided to move back to Florida. Last year, he was hit by 3 of the 4 hurricanes that visited. He probably contemplated moving back to LA. Am i glad he didnt. He was up visiting in the NE last weeik, right after Katrina hit. We up here hadnt heard another about the family friend. We waited until wednesday to hear from my uncles own mouth that our friend was ok. He had gotten out. Covington LA sits across L Pontchatrain from New Orleans. My mother and brother had visited there, but I never got a chance. Now i wish that i had.

As disasters usually prove, we humans, and more speifically Americans, do not know everything, and cannot possibly prepare for every scenario. But in this case i feel that our government, FEMA, our 'leaders', everyone involved or that should have been involved, should have known. It had been predicted, it had been feared. mr. bush, i an afraid that you have failed us for the last time. You are nothing but a wasted time in history, and all i am left with is wondering about what could have been.

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